Preethi had completed her B.E. in computer science from Trichy. Her father works in a private company. Preethi’s dream was to do her masters in an International University. She approached U2CAN for the admission process. At U2CAN we were able to find some excellent universities in Canada for Preethi to pursue her Masters in computer Science. When we spoke to Preethi recently. She stated the following benefits of studying in Canada.
- Canada has some of the world’s Top ranking universities.
- A student with 15 years of education can enter for their higher education
- GRE/GMAT exam is not compulsory
- The tuition fees and cost of living are quite affordable, also scholarship facilities are available, also scholarships facilities are available.
- Students can work part time while studying
- 1-3 years of post study work permit is available
- PR option is also available.
According to Preethi, Canada is one of the Top 10 places to live in the World.
Preethi was guided by U2CAN to complete her overseas education process successfully. The highly experience team at U2CAN was able to guide her smoothly through the counseling process, IELTS exam preparation, IELTS Exam booking, short listing of Universities, documentation and Visa process.
Today Preethi has completed her Masters and is working in a reputed Bank in Canada. Her parents are extremely happy and proud of their daughter. The popular courses in Canada (2020) are Computer science (IT), Eng., MBA, life sciences, Agricultural science and Forestry, medicine and health care and Bio – Tech.
Canada being the world’s second largest counseling is also known for its sparse population. One will have the opportunity to encounter vastly different cultural and natural experiences. Canada gives an opportunity to students to do their UG, PG, Research and Phd. programmes.
Happy for preethi always …….going and studying in abroad is really a great dream …..make your dreams true and approach us for further details to know more about How to study ?and Where to study ?……